That Was Then, This Is Now

The series also features musical interludes from a band, fronted by Christian Reilly, who went by a different name each week.
Each show would contain sketches based on historical events, the anniversary of which would be around the date of transmission.
A running joke in the second series was that Radio 2 had commissioned it so that the final epsisodes went out at the same time of year as the first episodes of the first series, meaning that exactly the same anniversaries were coming around as for the first.
The earlier part of the series also featured a running joke as to whether such a show should acknowledge the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, and debate as to whether ignoring it would be more offensive than not ignoring it.
That Was Then, This Is Now - Series One - 2004
Show One - Broadcast 2nd October 2004 -

Show Two - Broadcast 9th October 2004 -

Show Three - Broadcast 16th October 2004 -

Show Four - Broadcast 23rd October 2004 -

Show Five - Broadcast 30th October 2004 -

Show Six -Broadcast 6th November 2004 -

That Was Then, This Is Now - Series Two - 2006
Show One - Broadcast 2nd September 2006 -

Show Two - Broadcast 9th September 2006 -

Show Three - Broadcast 16th September 2006 -

Show Four - Broadcast 23rd September 2006 -

Show Five - Broadcast 30th September 2006 -

Show Six - Broadcast 7th October 2006 -

That Was Then, This Is Now - Series Three - 2007 - 2008
Show One - Broadcast 29th November 2007 -

Show Two - Broadcast 6th December 2007 -

Show Three - Broadcast 13th December 2007 -

Show Four - Broadcast 3rd January 2008 -

Show Five - Broadcast 10th January 2008 -

Show Six -Broadcast 17th January 2008 -

BONUS - Audience Taping Of Series 3 Episode 2 -