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Doctor Who News - 22 March 2002
New online adventure latest

The adventure stars Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor and Maggie Stables as companion Evelyn Smythe.
Guest-starring in the production is Yee Jee Tso, who previously appeared as companion Chang Lee alongside Paul McGann in the Doctor Who TV movie.
Also making an appearance are comedy duo Stewart Lee and Richard Herring - well known for their TV shows Fist of Fun and This Morning with Richard Not Judy.
Real Time will be available to listen to in the Cult section of the BBCi website later this Summer.
Real Time's full cast list is as follows:
The Doctor - Colin Baker
Dr Evelyn Smythe - Maggie Stables
Administrator Isherwood - Christopher Scott
Doctor Goddard - Yee Jee Tso
Doctor Savage - Jane Goddard
Renchard - Richard Herring
Carey - Stewart Lee
CyberController - Nicholas Briggs