Stewart Lee Press

Stewart Lee's Holiday Picks

Comedian Stewart Lee's first novel, The Perfect Fool, is published by Fourth Estate

Monday July 9, 2001

Stewart Lee
Comics and Cope: Stewart Lee
1. Box Office Poison by Alex Robinson
600 pages of comics about twentysomething New Yorkers. Stephen playing Santa for his nieces brings a tear to my eye.

2. The Earp Brothers of Tombstone by Frank Waters
Bison Waters is a historian with a poet's eye. This has been on the floor near my bed for a year. This is not the same as having read it.

3. How it Ended by Jay McInerney
The epiphany I would have enjoyed while reading the final page of Last of the Savages was spoiled when a tramp shouted at me. I will read How it Ended indoors.

4. Don't Tell Me The Truth About Love by Dan Rhodes
Dan is the best new writer in Britain, but has vowed to stop writing to punish the public and himself.

5. The Modern Antiquarian by Julian Cope
I'm trying to write a story about prehistoric archaeology but the countryside is closed. Cope's book is nearly as good as being out and about in our infected land.
Source - Guardian Online